Immunoprecipitation Service

In the field of molecular biology, immunoprecipitation (IP) has become an important technique for studying protein-protein interactions, identifying biomarkers, and elucidating signaling pathways. At Creative BioMart Biomarker, we pride ourselves on being at the forefront of scientific research and providing high quality immunoprecipitation services for biomarker research.

What is Immunoprecipitation?

Immunoprecipitation is a powerful and highly specific technique for isolating and analyzing proteins of interest from complex biological samples. By exploiting antigen-antibody interactions, this method enables researchers to selectively precipitate proteins of interest and their interacting partners, thereby facilitating the exploration of complex protein networks.

Co-immunoprecipitation and semi-quantitative immunoblotting for the analysis of protein-protein interactions. (Burckhardt, C.J.; et al. 2021)Figure 1. Co-immunoprecipitation and semi-quantitative immunoblotting for the analysis of protein-protein interactions. (Burckhardt, C.J.; et al. 2021)

Application of Immunoprecipitation in Biomarker Research

Immunoprecipitation is an indispensable tool in biomarker research, providing a means to identify, validate and quantify potential diagnostic or prognostic markers. By utilizing antibodies that specifically recognize biomarkers, researchers can selectively isolate and analyze these molecules from patient samples. This enables the identification of disease-specific signatures and facilitates the development of targeted therapies.

Immunoprecipitation Services Offered by Creative BioMart Biomarker

At Creative BioMart Biomarker, we understand the complexities of biomarker research and the importance of accurate and reproducible results. Using our expertise in immunoprecipitation techniques, we offer a comprehensive service tailored to meet your specific research needs.

Used to identify and characterize protein-protein interactions. Protein complexes are captured using target protein-specific antibodies, and associated proteins are detected by western blotting or mass spectrometry (MS).

Used to study protein-DNA interactions, especially the association of proteins with specific genomic regions. DNA and protein are cross-linked together, the chromatin is cut into small fragments, and then the protein-DNA complex is precipitated by the specific recognition reaction of antigen and antibody.

For studying RNA-protein interactions. Immunoprecipitation of RNA-protein complexes using antibodies against the protein of interest. The associated RNA molecules can then be analyzed by techniques such as RT-PCR, microarray, or RNA sequencing.

For studying RNA-protein interactions. RNA and its corresponding binding protein will be covalently bound under ultraviolet irradiation, and the RNA-protein complex will be precipitated with a specific antibody to the RNA binding protein. The RNA fragments therein are then recovered for RT-PCR or sequencing.

Our Advantages

  • Customized immunoprecipitation protocols are available to meet customer-specific requirements, maximizing the chance of success.
  • The specificity of the antibody ensures accurate separation of the target protein, minimizing cross-reactivity and false positive results.
  • Strict quality control measures are implemented at each stage of the immunoprecipitation process to ensure data reliability and reproducibility.
  • In addition to immunoprecipitation, we offer a suite of downstream analysis options such as western blotting and MS.

Workflow of Immunoprecipitation Service

Workflow of Immunoprecipitation Service

Immunoprecipitation has become an indispensable tool in biomarker research and protein interaction analysis. At Creative BioMart Biomarker, our immunoprecipitation services are designed to advance science and support personalized medicine. Please feel free to contact us for more service information.


  1. Burckhardt, C.J.; et al. Co-immunoprecipitation and semi-quantitative immunoblotting for the analysis of protein-protein interactions. STAR Protoc. 2021, 2(3): 100644.
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