Lipidomics Service for Biomarker Analysis

To unravel the secrets of human health and disease, the field of lipidomics has emerged as a powerful tool for the comprehensive analysis of lipid molecules. Lipids are a class of molecules that play important roles in cellular structure and function and have long been recognized as important for their involvement in various physiological processes and pathological conditions. Creative BioMart Biomarker provides comprehensive and personalized lipidomics services to facilitate customers' research on biomarkers.

What is Lipidomics?

Lipidomics is the systematic study of the entire set of lipids (called the lipidome) present in cells, tissues or biological fluids. Unlike traditional lipid analysis methods that focus on specific lipid classes or single molecules, lipidomics aims to comprehensively characterize and quantify large numbers of lipids in biological samples. By employing high-throughput analytical techniques such as mass spectrometry (MS), combined with advanced data analysis tools, lipidomics can analyze hundreds to thousands of lipid species simultaneously, providing a holistic view of lipid composition and dynamics.

Application of Lipidomics in Biomarker

Lipids have been implicated in the pathogenesis of many diseases, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity and cancer. Lipidomics can identify lipid signatures associated with specific diseases, providing insight into underlying mechanisms and potential therapeutic targets.

Lipidomic analysis of biological samples has led to the identification of lipid biomarkers associated with various diseases. These lipid signatures aid in early detection, disease classification and monitoring of treatment response.

Typical workflow for lipid biomarker identification (Hornemann, T. 2022)Figure 1. Typical workflow for lipid biomarker identification (Hornemann, T. 2022)

Lipidomics Services Offered by Creative BioMart Biomarker

Creative BioMart Biomarker provides comprehensive lipidomics services for biomarker discovery and analysis. Our lipidomics services employ cutting-edge technologies and rigorous validation protocols to identify robust lipid biomarkers, ensuring accurate and reliable results for our clients.

  • Sample Preparation and Analysis

We employ standardized and optimized sample preparation protocols to ensure reproducibility and accuracy of lipidomic analysis. Through meticulous extraction and purification steps, we obtain high-quality lipid extracts that can be used for downstream analysis. Our cutting-edge mass spectrometry platforms, including high-resolution mass spectrometers, enable precise identification and quantification of lipid species, even in complex biological matrices.

  • Data Processing and Analysis

The large amount of data generated in lipidomics experiments requires sophisticated bioinformatics tools for data processing and analysis. Our team of bioinformatics experts utilizes advanced software and algorithms to handle the complex tasks of lipid identification, peak alignment and quantification. By employing statistical methods and multivariate analysis, we identify differentially expressed lipids and build predictive models for biomarker discovery.

  • Pathway and Network Analysis

We employ pathway and network analysis tools to reveal the complex relationships between lipid species and their functional implications. By mapping lipidomics data onto metabolic pathways and lipid interaction networks, we gain insight into underlying biological processes and potential therapeutic targets.

The Flow of Lipidomics Service

The Flow of Lipidomics Service

Our Advantages

  • Equipped with a cutting-edge analytical platform for comprehensive lipid analysis with high sensitivity and accuracy.
  • Our team of experienced scientists and bioinformaticians ensures high quality and precision of analytical results.
  • End-to-end lipidomics solutions, from sample acquisition and preparation to data analysis and interpretation, simplify the entire workflow for customers.
  • Customized lipidomics strategies to align our services with your specific research needs and goals.

Through comprehensive characterization of the lipidome, lipidomics provides valuable insights into disease mechanisms and paves the way for precision medicine approaches. Creative BioMart Biomarker provides lipidomics services to clients to unlock the potential of lipid biomarkers for improved diagnosis and treatment. Contact us today for more detailed service information.


  1. Hornemann, T. Lipidomics in Biomarker Research. Handb Exp Pharmacol. 2022, 270: 493-510.
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