Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry Service

The employment of biomarkers has become increasingly crucial and pertinent to the identification, treatment, and monitoring of a broad spectrum of diseases. Proteins, lipids, metabolites, and nucleic acids are some of the many classes of biomolecules that can serve as a biomarker, and to discover and confirm the validity of these biomarkers, identifying and quantifying them is paramount. Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry (ESI-MS), a technique of great magnitude, has surfaced as an exceedingly valuable tool in the domain of biomarker study, providing comprehensive and in-depth analysis of biomolecules. As a leading provider of ESI-MS service for biomarkers, Creative BioMart Biomarker takes immense pride in catering to the multifaceted and diverse research needs of our esteemed clientele.

Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry and Biomarker

ESI-MS is a technique that facilitates the detection and quantification of biomolecules based on their mass-to-charge ratio. The principle of ESI-MS is to spray the sample solution into dew-like charged droplets under the action of electric field and auxiliary airflow, the volatile solution evaporates gradually at high temperature, and the charge body density on the surface of the droplet increases with the decrease of the radius. When the Rayleigh limit is reached, the Coulomb explosion phenomenon occurs in the droplet, resulting in smaller charged droplets. The above process is repeated continuously, and the ionization of the sample is finally realized. The ions are then separated based on their mass-to-charge ratio using a mass spectrometer, and their abundance is detected.

ESI-MS has become a vital tool for biomarker discovery and validation, used to identify and quantify biomolecules in biological samples like blood, urine, and tissue samples. The technique has been used to detect and quantify proteins, metabolites and nucleic acids.

Mechanism of electrospray ionisation.Figure 1. Mechanism of electrospray ionisation. (Ho, C.S.; et al. 2003)

Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry Services

Creative BioMart Biomarker offers a diverse range of ESI-MS services including protein identification and quantification, metabolite profiling, nucleotide and lipid analysis, all performed by our highly skilled and experienced scientists.

Our ESI-MS services for protein identification and quantification help customers monitor proteins and target peptides, providing critical insights for disease diagnosis and prognosis. Meanwhile, Our ESI-MS services for metabolite profiling can detect and quantify a broad spectrum of metabolites and lipids, shedding light on the metabolic pathways and networks that are involved in various diseases.

In addition, our ESI-MS services provide structural and sequence analysis of nucleotides in various biological samples, enabling the identification of mutations, genetic variations and gene expression patterns that may be associated with various diseases. Lastly, our ESI-MS lipid analysis services can provide important information about the role of lipids in various diseases, including cardiovascular diseases and metabolic disorders.

All of our ESI-MS services utilize state-of-the-art mass spectrometers and are performed by our highly trained and experienced scientists, ensuring the highest level of accuracy and precision.

Our Advantages

  • We have high-quality ESI-MS services for biomarker research, carried out by a crack team of experienced and highly-trained scientists.
  • Advanced instruments and strict operating procedures ensure accurate, sensitive and reproducible results for customers.
  • Lightning-fast turnaround times and competitive pricing make our ESI-MS services affordable and accessible to researchers and scientists worldwide.

The revolutionary ESI-MS has been widely hailed as an invaluable tool in biomarker discovery and validation. And for all your biomarker study needs, Creative BioMart Biomarker has got you covered with a vast array of ESI-MS services ranging from protein identification and quantification to metabolite profiling, nucleotide and lipid analysis. Want to explore the full range of our ESI-MS services? Reach out to us today, and our team of experts will be more than happy to assist you in finding the solutions that fit your unique needs.


  1. Ho, CS.; et al. Electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry: principles and clinical applications. Clin Biochem Rev. 2003, 24(1): 3-12.
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