Deoxypyridinoline (DPD) is a degradation product of the bone matrix and can reflect the rate of bone metabolism. Assessing DPD in urine or serum can be a specific biomarker of bone resorption and reflects bone metabolism condition. Creative BioMart Biomarker offers high quality detection service for total DPD or free DPD, ensuring high detection accuracy, sensitivity and efficiency for each sample.
DPD is one of the two pyridinium crosslinks that provides structural rigidity to type I collagen found in bone. Type I collagen accounts for 90% of the organic part in bone matrix. Through peptide absorption, large and small peptide fragments containing pyridinium crosslinks are released in blood and urine. These pyridinium crosslinks degrade in the liver and are excreted in the urine in free form by the kidneys. The free products obtained were pyridinoline (PYD) and DPD. PYD and DPD are formed during extracellular maturation of fibrillar collagens and are released after degradation of mature collagen. The production of PYD and DPD is significantly elevated in diseases with increased bone turnover. Diseases, such as primary hyperparathyroidism, renal osteodystrophy, osteomalacia, hyperthyroidism, and hypercalcemia, are all associated with the concentration of PYD and DPD. The ratio of PYD to DPD in urine is similar to their ratio in the bone, indicating that the two crosslinks are mainly derived from bone. Pyridinium crosslinks are only present in extracellular collagen fibers. They are derived from mature and stable type I collagen, and they are not present in new collagen molecules that are unable to form triple helix fibers. Therefore, DPD in urine is affected by the decomposition of collagen fibers and is a specific indicator of bone resorption. In urine, 40% of DPD are in free form and 60% are in peptide-bonded form. The ratio between these two types of DPD does not differ between healthy people and individuals with metabolic bone disease. DPD can be used not only as a specific indicator of bone resorption, but also for the diagnosis of bone diseases such as postmenopausal osteoporosis, bone metastasis and Paget's disease combine with bone biomarkers like alkaline phosphatase, osteocalcin and N-terminal peptides. In addition, DPD can also be used to monitor the response of antiresorptive therapies.
Creative BioMart Biomarker strictly controls each specific experimental step in the DPD detection procedure to ensure accurately quantify the level of total DPD or free DPD in each sample.
At Creative BioMart Biomarker, we offer total DPD and free DPD detection services that include several technical methods, you can communicate with our experts according to your research needs, and we will determine the final detection technological scheme based on the communication results. Please feel free to contact us, Creative BioMart Biomarker is here to offer you professional and thoughtful service.
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